Crashing at 100km/h On a Skateboard
Skating down one of the most demanding chip-seal runs in New Zealand can take its toll. Port Levy Rd in the Banks Peninsula offers speeds up to 100km/h down the main straightaway paired with some tight corners which require drifting to slow down to take the correct line.
This was my 15th run of the hill over various sessions skating it and we decided to film the run. With the camera rolling, I would push myself to skate the road faster than I ever had before, after getting through the technically hard section I entered the 100km/h straight away.
400m from finishing the run I went over some exceptionally uneven road which unsettled my feet more than the normal chip-seal does and next thing I know I'm off my board. My SA1NT unbreakable jeans left my legs unscathed, which was not the case for my upper body.
After my 12 years of skating I've never had a hospital visit until now, but I'm glad my SA1NT's got me there in one piece and they are still fully intact! Most of us who skate downhill in NZ wear the SA1NT unbreakables and have saved many of us a lot of damage that the sport comes with.