"SA1NT Jeans are the only thing that saved my leg from being sheared off"
I want to thank you guys for making such a fantastic product. I was t boned and flew 152 feet by someone who ran a stop sign. If it wasn’t for these pants, I would’ve been a whole lot worse. The hip pads and knee pads were a true life saver. If paramedics didn’t have to cut these off of me, a quick wash and I would’ve worn them again the next day.
I was on my Fz07 and had a crash cage on it and I’m pretty sure that’s the only thing that saved my leg from being shared off. My foot was sliced open, and I cut to tendons and broke my fourth and fifth metatarsal in my foot. My hip didn’t feel a thing and it’s not sore. She hit me right where I was sitting. The bike is totalled. I’m still sore but glad to be here.
By the way, in between me going in and out of consciousness I heard the paramedic sounding very frustrated asking for a second pair of scissors! I briefly regained consciousness and said “sorry, these are made with Dyneema” I can most definitely say I will never wear any other pants but these while riding.
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